June 17, 2015

Alpha Review

What did I think of...

Alpha by Jasinda Wilder

The first time it happened, it seemed like an impossible miracle. Bills were piling up, adding up to more money than I could ever make. Mom's hospital bills. My baby brother's tuition. My tuition. Rent. Electricity. All of it on my shoulders. And I had just lost my job. There was no hope, no money in my account, no work to be found. And then, just when I thought all hope was lost, I found an envelope in the mail. No return address. My name on the front, my address. Inside was a check, made out to me, in the amount of ten thousand dollars. Enough to pay the bills and leave me some left over to live on until I found a job. Enough to let me focus on classes. There was no name on the check, just "VRI Inc.," and a post office box address for somewhere in the city. No hint of identity or reason for the check or anything. No mention of repayment, interest, nothing…except a single word, on the notes line: "You." Just those three letters.

If you receive a mysterious check, for enough money to erase all your worries, would you cash it?

I did.

The next month, I received another check, again from VRI Incorporated. It too contained a single word: "belong."

A third check, the next month. This time, two words. Four letters. "To me."

The checks kept coming. The notes stopped. Ten thousand dollars, every month. A girl gets used to that, real quick. It let me pay the bills without going into debt. Let me keep my baby brother in school and Mom's hospice care paid for. How do you turn down what seems like free money, when you're desperate? You don't. I didn't.

And then, after a year, there was a knock on my door. A sleek black limousine sat on the curb in front of my house. A driver stood in front of me, and he spoke six words: "It's time to pay your debt."

Would you have gotten in?

I did.

It turns out $120,000 doesn't come free.

Genre: Erotic Romance/ Contemporary Romance
Series: Alpha
Published on: April 29, 2014
Pages: 450 pages
Format: Kindle ebook
Source: Amazon Kindle
Average rating: 3.7 stars
My rating: 2.5 stars

Wow, that description from above sounds juicy doesn't it? I though so, too. When I saw this on the Kindle Deals on BookBub for free, I was absolutely thrilled that I was able to get my dominant kink fetish in for free... but it was better than that. The description... mm-mmm. I get shivers just reading the description... which usually heralds very good things!

 I immediately started reading, causing the avalanche of a traffic jam in my Goodreads account when I was reading three books. Doesn't that gif above just make you want to smile? It has more truth to it than I care to admit, and not just with this book...

However, once I started sporadically reading this, bouncing around between three + books... reality slowly sank in. Our main character, Kyrie, was a source of constant frustration. I can put up with a lot from my characters. Fucked up, whacked thinking; twisting shit in their heads; refusing to see what's right in front of them; foolishness; blind faith; almost anything.

Except, total naïveness. Is that how you spell it? Naïvness? Naïve-ness? Whatever. Anyway, Kyrie knew she was being impractical, and fell in love with a guy, blindfolded, having never seen him, without knowing his name, the color of his eyes, whether he was 80, 12, or 36.

Kyrie, also, had these loooong stretches of contemplation, and explanations of her actions and thoughts. This, I know, was the writer's fault, not the characters, but this caused skimming.

I've only read one other book by this author, Stripped. It, much like this book, was very entertaining, but entirely impractical and frustrating. Jasinda Wilder seems to have a gift. She writes shitty books with interesting plots... and manages to have the reader coming away with a smile, and uplifted mood, and positive thoughts on the book.

I almost didn't rate this book due to my indecision, but when in doubt, talk rant it out with others who understand. Literally, this is the life of a bookworm.

I can't say if I recommend or not, but I will tell you that there was a complete sex overload, was very smutty, leading to uncomfortable reading ;), but I still enjoyed it, despite it's crappiness.

Yes, I think I'm mad too.


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